
EuroQuity is the platform which connect companies and development partners.

Created in 2008 by Bpifrance, the service had been developed in partnership with  the European Commission projects  as well as major public and private international organizations.

Their mission? Qualify the companies and investors present on the platform through communities and labels to allow them to gain visibility and credibility.

EuroQuity, a real e-reputation booster, represents the strength of a network of more than 20,000 users and serves as a powerful link between European and African ecosystems.

France is Senegal’s leading economic partner.

Innovation and the digital economy are the main development axes that led to the creation of Téranga Tech.

Teranga Tech is a community and platform that currently brings together 50 mainly Senegalese structures in different areas of the Tech. Led by its members and in particular the Attaché for cooperation Innovation and Digital Economy, Teranga Tech aims to identify, help structure and animate networks of high-potential African entrepreneurs.

Since its creation in June 2018, Teranga Tech has carried out around 15 actions (training, mentoring, events) and has a support programme for innovative entrepreneurs that impacts all regions of Senegal.

The first selective community of high-potential Senegalese startups, recommended by investors & local ecosystem.

As part of their cooperation activities, the general delegation for rapid entrepreneurship for women and youth (der/fj) and the French embassy in Senegal, in conjunction with Bpifrance, launched the LionsTech invest community on September 27, 2022 in Dakar, to accelerate and support Senegalese tech companies with strong growth potential and impact towards fundraising.

The main objective is to facilitate contacts with local and international investors.

The FSPI program "Support for the acceleration of innovative Senegalese enterprises" aims to support the strengthening and structuring of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Senegal. It is based on four main areas:

  • Federating the ecosystem around a digital platform to connect it more easily to innovation ecosystems in Europe and Africa.
  • Helping innovative companies to be ready for private investment.
  • Support the rise of local business angels networks in a co-investment logic with international business angels.
  • Develop co-financing mechanisms between the RDF and other ecosystem actors.

Filiale de Proparco, Digital Africa investit et accompagne les startups tech africaines, en priorité dans les régions en marge des écosystèmes les plus matures. Digital Africa cible les entrepreneurs en amont des zones d’intervention de Proparco, dès la phase de pré-amorçage à la fois en investissant directement dans les start-ups, et en proposant à ces start-ups une offre d’accompagnement sur-mesure au plus près de leurs besoins.

Maroc, Tunisie, Sénégal, Tanzanie, Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin, Ouganda, Zambie, Togo, Cameroun, Algérie, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Ethiopie, Angola, Mozambique, Soudan, RDC.

Ainsi, à travers le programme Fuzé, Digital Africa investit des tickets de 20k€ à 100k€. Le dispositif “Plateforme” de Digital Africa définit sur la base d’un diagnostic détaillé les besoins en termes d’accompagnement, à la fois selon ses défis et selon les autres dispositifs dont elle peut bénéficier par ailleurs.

Digital Africa cible les entrepreneurs dès la phase de pré-amorçage à la fois en investissant directement dans les start-ups, et en proposant à ces start-ups une offre d’accompagnement sur-mesure au plus près des besoins des entrepreneurs.

Digital Africa souhaite par ailleurs être un acteur au service de tout l’écosystème. C’est pourquoi Digital Africa soutient par ailleurs activement les structures d’accompagnement partenaires à travers un dispositif de soutien ciblé et par un programme panafricain de formation de talents aux métiers du numérique.

Forvis Mazars is an international audit, tax and advisory group dedicated to helping clients build and grow their businesses with confidence.

Forvis Mazars is a leading global network of professional services, operating under a single brand and with only two members: Forvis Mazars, LLP in the United States, and Forvis Mazars Group SC, an integrated international partnership operating in over 100 countries and territories.

Built on a heritage of over 100 years, Forvis Mazars is a natural extension of its two member firms. Together, we are committed to providing our clients with a different vision and perspective and an unrivalled client experience that is relevant, personalised and authentic.

 As a network of just two members, we are agile and quick to act, drawing on a coherent offering of audit, tax and advisory services to support our clients around the world. Every day, we draw on the knowledge and expertise of our customers and their industries to develop tailor-made solutions and become experts in their sectors. Together, our teams of over 40,000 professionals have the experience and skills to meet the needs of organisations.

We strive to harness the potential of the latest technological advances to better serve our customers and improve the productivity of our teams of all sizes, both locally and globally, now and in the future.

the group has a growing network of technology hubs around the world:§more than 10 tech hubs around the world have the skills to capitalize on new technologies and explore the opportunities they offer our customers and our teams.

In 2023, we extended our reach outside Europe and welcomed tech hubs in Mexico and South Africa.

Across our services, we are developing tools that offer greater data analysis capabilities, provide deeper insights and facilitate informed decision-making, while enabling our teams to work together and focus on higher value-added tasks.